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My name is Faith Worrell and I'm a visual communicator from Florence, S.C. I graduated from the University of South Carolina in May 2022 with a Bachelors of Arts in Mass Communications with a Visual Communications major, Art Studio Minor. 


Something that my parents instilled in me, that has stuck with me since, is the phrase, “those who are faithful with a little are faithful with a lot.” Younger me hated this concept because it meant that if I wasn’t responsible enough to clean my closet, I wasn’t responsible enough to go to the mall with my friends. As I went through my four years at the University of South Carolina, the bigger lesson my parents were trying to teach me started to click. You have to earn trust and develop skills with the little things you’re given first, in order to be trusted with more. I’m proud of the work I did for bigger organizations and teams, but it was the weekends I created content with no pay and no one watching that I believe truly made me the creator I am today. “Those who are faithful with a little are faithful with a lot,”and I mean come on, it is even my name.


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(843) 495 - 3071

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